You have a dream. We’ll do the math.

Track all of your sales and expenses in one place

Our simple, yet powerful, income and expense features track your transactions so you don’t have to. Plus, eliminate tedious data entry by connecting your accounts with Plaid and letting our AI-powered transaction categorization do the heavy lifting.

Easily view business reports for a bird’s eye view of your business

Forget the spreadsheet — our powerful insights help you see how your business is doing with just one click. Advanced categorization features help you to view more specific reports, while ensuring things are still good to go for tax time.

Maximize deductions to invest more in your business

No one wants to pay more in taxes than they have to. With our built in mileage module and automated expense tracking, you can lower your tax liabilities while saving time like never before.

Prepare your taxes in minutes without accounting knowledge

Say goodbye to receipt shoeboxes. We’ll keep everything together to make tax season easier. With access a Schedule C worksheet, you’ll have totals for each tax category.


  • In short, no. CommerceNavigator’s Business Insights module keeps track of your transactions throughout the year and complies that information. Our Schedule C worksheet lists each tax category on the Schedule C and the corresponding amount based on your business data. While this isn’t ready for the IRS just yet, your tax professional will be very happy to have this neatly complied data, saving lots of headaches during tax season.

  • It sure can. It’ll make things a lot easier to keep up with too. Our Premium Plan automatically imports data, saving you a whole lot of time and energy.

  • Our bank connection partner, Plaid, supports more than 11,000 financial institutions across the US, Canada, and Europe. Chances are, your checking, savings, and credit card accounts are on that list!

  • No worries! For Premium Plan members with automated transaction importing, Plaid imports transactions from up to 24 months prior, at the discretion of your bank.